3/10/23 Conversation with nurse Parks, Melissa, and myself, trying to talk to the on call doctor Previous AG pushes state level 'Ministry of Truth' critics say could jail conservatives who express mainstream views Next Can drinking this common beverage increase heavy metal toxicity? Yep You Might Also Like Discussion on sleep, tips to help your child fall asleep when you want them to and prevent night time wake ups One of my favorite holistic discussions on intermittent fasting with Dave Asprey and Tom Bilyeu American Medical associations position on physician "misinformation" - AMA, still committed to engaging in medical tyranny Geoengineering, 5G, mitochondrial damage, and dementia Rant video about new studies showing those who have been given more jabs are at an increased risk of infection
3/10/23 Conversation with nurse Parks, Melissa, and myself, trying to talk to the on call doctor Previous AG pushes state level 'Ministry of Truth' critics say could jail conservatives who express mainstream views Next Can drinking this common beverage increase heavy metal toxicity? Yep You Might Also Like Discussion on sleep, tips to help your child fall asleep when you want them to and prevent night time wake ups One of my favorite holistic discussions on intermittent fasting with Dave Asprey and Tom Bilyeu American Medical associations position on physician "misinformation" - AMA, still committed to engaging in medical tyranny Geoengineering, 5G, mitochondrial damage, and dementia Rant video about new studies showing those who have been given more jabs are at an increased risk of infection