Daily Rant Videos, • 2/7/23 Geoengineering, 5G, mitochondrial damage, and dementia Previous Natural ways to decrease post-nasal drainage Next Paul Offit part 2 on FDA's corrupt vaccine approval You Might Also Like Jordan Peterson discussing viral origins Vitamin K2 & Vitamin D3 NEW SECRETS! [+ Magnesium & Calcium MISTAKES] Rant about Constipation Scott Discussing the Reawaken Tour and Miller Wellness, talking about full scripts and how people can support us by subscribing and getting vitamins through us Scott ranting about how our top scientists claim COVID is going to become one of the leading causes of death in the US for the foreseeable future
Daily Rant Videos, • 2/7/23 Geoengineering, 5G, mitochondrial damage, and dementia Previous Natural ways to decrease post-nasal drainage Next Paul Offit part 2 on FDA's corrupt vaccine approval You Might Also Like Jordan Peterson discussing viral origins Vitamin K2 & Vitamin D3 NEW SECRETS! [+ Magnesium & Calcium MISTAKES] Rant about Constipation Scott Discussing the Reawaken Tour and Miller Wellness, talking about full scripts and how people can support us by subscribing and getting vitamins through us Scott ranting about how our top scientists claim COVID is going to become one of the leading causes of death in the US for the foreseeable future