Daily Rant Videos, • 2/7/23 Geoengineering, 5G, mitochondrial damage, and dementia Previous Declaration on the North American Partnership for Equity and Racial Justice Next Paul Offit part 2 on FDA's corrupt vaccine approval You Might Also Like New CDC recommendations for who is eligible for the boosters but only if you are caught up on the first two ineffective ones Treat Autism - The Methylation Impairment with Autistic Children - Dr. Sonya Doherty Rant about Aspartame Scott Miller talking about Miller Wellness 1 Allergy Diagnosis in Mainstream Care
Daily Rant Videos, • 2/7/23 Geoengineering, 5G, mitochondrial damage, and dementia Previous Declaration on the North American Partnership for Equity and Racial Justice Next Paul Offit part 2 on FDA's corrupt vaccine approval You Might Also Like New CDC recommendations for who is eligible for the boosters but only if you are caught up on the first two ineffective ones Treat Autism - The Methylation Impairment with Autistic Children - Dr. Sonya Doherty Rant about Aspartame Scott Miller talking about Miller Wellness 1 Allergy Diagnosis in Mainstream Care