3/6/23 Vitamin B deficiencies and neurologic issues, far more common than we could possibly know. Previous Cultivate Humility, and PRAY Next My less than ideal parenting and partner moment last night You Might Also Like Geoengineering, 5G, mitochondrial damage, and dementia Discussion on Senate Bill SB 5599-Allowing 13 year olds to get gender reassignment surgery without parental permission The importance of understanding infant nursing challenges, and looking beyond the obvious to facilitate healing AG pushes state level 'Ministry of Truth' critics say could jail conservatives who express mainstream views New CDC recommendations for who is eligible for the boosters but only if you are caught up on the first two ineffective ones
3/6/23 Vitamin B deficiencies and neurologic issues, far more common than we could possibly know. Previous Cultivate Humility, and PRAY Next My less than ideal parenting and partner moment last night You Might Also Like Geoengineering, 5G, mitochondrial damage, and dementia Discussion on Senate Bill SB 5599-Allowing 13 year olds to get gender reassignment surgery without parental permission The importance of understanding infant nursing challenges, and looking beyond the obvious to facilitate healing AG pushes state level 'Ministry of Truth' critics say could jail conservatives who express mainstream views New CDC recommendations for who is eligible for the boosters but only if you are caught up on the first two ineffective ones