2/17/23 X-39 peptide patch, my favorite thing, resetting our genes to health Previous The magic of Berberine, lowering blood sugar, improving insulin sensitivity, lowering lipid levels and improving cardiac function Next Aeon Peptide Patch, destroying anxiety You Might Also Like Dr. McCollough discussing mRNA shedding from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated-there are things we can do for prevention Conversation with nurse Parks, Melissa, and myself, trying to talk to the on call doctor Discussing Primitive Reflexes and Development Video about the CDC voting unanimously to add the covid vaccine to the pediatric schedule Can drinking this common beverage increase heavy metal toxicity? Yep
2/17/23 X-39 peptide patch, my favorite thing, resetting our genes to health Previous The magic of Berberine, lowering blood sugar, improving insulin sensitivity, lowering lipid levels and improving cardiac function Next Aeon Peptide Patch, destroying anxiety You Might Also Like Dr. McCollough discussing mRNA shedding from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated-there are things we can do for prevention Conversation with nurse Parks, Melissa, and myself, trying to talk to the on call doctor Discussing Primitive Reflexes and Development Video about the CDC voting unanimously to add the covid vaccine to the pediatric schedule Can drinking this common beverage increase heavy metal toxicity? Yep