1/24/23 Dr. McCollough discussing mRNA shedding from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated-there are things we can do for prevention Previous My read through and commentary on an article about Paxlovid and Mulnopiravir efficacy Next Discussion on sleep, tips to help your child fall asleep when you want them to and prevent night time wake ups You Might Also Like The importance of understanding infant nursing challenges, and looking beyond the obvious to facilitate healing sun exposure and improvement with multiple sclerosis tips for how to address modern-day light overload, very important Jordan Peterson discussing viral origins Dr. Melillo primitive reflex integration demonstration
1/24/23 Dr. McCollough discussing mRNA shedding from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated-there are things we can do for prevention Previous My read through and commentary on an article about Paxlovid and Mulnopiravir efficacy Next Discussion on sleep, tips to help your child fall asleep when you want them to and prevent night time wake ups You Might Also Like The importance of understanding infant nursing challenges, and looking beyond the obvious to facilitate healing sun exposure and improvement with multiple sclerosis tips for how to address modern-day light overload, very important Jordan Peterson discussing viral origins Dr. Melillo primitive reflex integration demonstration