Daily Rant Videos, • 1/11/23 Vitamin K2 & Vitamin D3 NEW SECRETS! [+ Magnesium & Calcium MISTAKES] Previous NeurOptimal neurofeedback - Incredibly Cool Next Myths & Facts You Might Also Like Vitamin B deficiencies and neurologic issues, far more common than we could possibly know. Treat Autism - The Methylation Impairment with Autistic Children - Dr. Sonya Doherty Geoengineering, 5G, mitochondrial damage, and dementia The importance of magnesium for mood / emotional regulation and knowing the correct forms to take Glyphosate and Shikimate Pathway
Daily Rant Videos, • 1/11/23 Vitamin K2 & Vitamin D3 NEW SECRETS! [+ Magnesium & Calcium MISTAKES] Previous NeurOptimal neurofeedback - Incredibly Cool Next Myths & Facts You Might Also Like Vitamin B deficiencies and neurologic issues, far more common than we could possibly know. Treat Autism - The Methylation Impairment with Autistic Children - Dr. Sonya Doherty Geoengineering, 5G, mitochondrial damage, and dementia The importance of magnesium for mood / emotional regulation and knowing the correct forms to take Glyphosate and Shikimate Pathway