Skip to Videos All | Daily Rant Videos | 5/8/23 Discussion on Senate Bill SB 5599-Allowing 13 year olds to get gender reassignment surgery without parental permission 4/18/23 The greatest medical breakthrough that doctors almost never utilize 4/17/23 The importance of magnesium for mood / emotional regulation and knowing the correct forms to take 3/22/23 Former CDC director Dr. Redfield all of a sudden remembers that this virus was a lab leak. 3/21/23 Conversation with Broken Truth regarding my name being on a private Facebook group list of providers to attack 3/20/23 American Medical associations position on physician "misinformation" - AMA, still committed to engaging in medical tyranny 3/16/23 Treat Autism - The Methylation Impairment with Autistic Children - Dr. Sonya Doherty I’ve posted this clip before, but it is so important, it warrants reposting. 3/15/23 AG pushes state level 'Ministry of Truth' critics say could jail conservatives who express mainstream views 3/10/23 Conversation with nurse Parks, Melissa, and myself, trying to talk to the on call doctor 3/9/23 Can drinking this common beverage increase heavy metal toxicity? Yep 3/8/23 Cultivate Humility, and PRAY 3/6/23 Vitamin B deficiencies and neurologic issues, far more common than we could possibly know. 3/2/23 My less than ideal parenting and partner moment last night Daily Rant Videos, • 2/28/23 Declaration on the North American Partnership for Equity and Racial Justice 2/26/23 One of my favorite holistic discussions on intermittent fasting with Dave Asprey and Tom Bilyeu 2/25/23 CDC and Long Covid, confused messaging by our scientific leadership 2/21/23 The magic of Berberine, lowering blood sugar, improving insulin sensitivity, lowering lipid levels and improving cardiac function 2/17/23 X-39 peptide patch, my favorite thing, resetting our genes to health 2/16/23 Aeon Peptide Patch, destroying anxiety 2/11/23 Natural ways to decrease post-nasal drainage Daily Rant Videos, • 2/7/23 Geoengineering, 5G, mitochondrial damage, and dementia Daily Rant Videos, • 2/4/23 Paul Offit part 2 on FDA's corrupt vaccine approval Daily Rant Videos, • 2/2/23 Dr. Sangeeta Pati discussing how to heal the body Daily Rant Videos, • 1/28/23 The importance of understanding infant nursing challenges, and looking beyond the obvious to facilitate healing Daily Rant Videos, • 1/28/23 Tips for adults for a better night's sleep 1/24/23 Silent reflux in babies and how to manage it 1/24/23 My read through and commentary on an article about Paxlovid and Mulnopiravir efficacy 1/24/23 Dr. McCollough discussing mRNA shedding from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated-there are things we can do for prevention 1/24/23 Discussion on sleep, tips to help your child fall asleep when you want them to and prevent night time wake ups 1/23/23 Dr. Melillo primitive reflex integration demonstration Daily Rant Videos, • 1/13/23 NeurOptimal neurofeedback - Incredibly Cool Daily Rant Videos, • 1/11/23 Vitamin K2 & Vitamin D3 NEW SECRETS! [+ Magnesium & Calcium MISTAKES] Daily Rant Videos, • 1/4/23 Myths & Facts Daily Rant Videos, • 12/29/22 Rant about Constipation This shit is important! Daily Rant Videos, • 11/23/22 sun exposure decreasing melanoma rates Daily Rant Videos, • 11/22/22 sun exposure and improvement with multiple sclerosis Daily Rant Videos, • 11/21/22 near infrared light, melatonin, and true healing Daily Rant Videos, • 11/20/22 tips for how to address modern-day light overload, very important Daily Rant Videos, • 12/23/22 Rant about Aspartame Daily Rant Videos, • 12/22/22 Client with Anxiety Daily Rant Videos, • 12/21/22 Rant video about new studies showing those who have been given more jabs are at an increased risk of infection Daily Rant Videos, • 12/20/22 Rant on CDC updated covid vaccines for infants and children Daily Rant Videos, • 12/11/22 Scott Miller discussion on mold and mycotoxins Daily Rant Videos, • 12/10/22 Jordan Peterson conversation regarding viruses part 2 Daily Rant Videos, • 12/9/22 Jordan Peterson discussing viral origins Daily Rant Videos, • 12/1/22 Treat Autism - The Methylation Impairment with Autistic Children - Dr. Sonya Doherty Daily Rant Videos, • 10/16/22 Video about the CDC voting unanimously to add the covid vaccine to the pediatric schedule Daily Rant Videos, • 11/16/22 Glyphosate and Shikimate Pathway Daily Rant Videos, • 11/19/22 New Poly Pill for Heart Conditions Daily Rant Videos, • 11/18/22 New CDC recommendations for who is eligible for the boosters but only if you are caught up on the first two ineffective ones Daily Rant Videos, • 12/10/22 Discussing Geo-engineering, Aluminum Nanoparticles, and Autism Daily Rant Videos, • 10/12/22 Discussing Primitive Reflexes and Development Daily Rant Videos, • 10/15/22 Discussion of Spike Protein Injury and Shedding Daily Rant Videos, • 9/27/22 Scott Miller talking about Miller Wellness 1 Daily Rant Videos, • 9/26/22 Scott Miller talking about Miller Wellness 2 Daily Rant Videos, • 9/22/22 Discussing the misinformation/disinformation of Washington State regarding therapeutics. Daily Rant Videos, • 9/24/22 Scott Miller's rant on statins Daily Rant Videos, • 9/23/22 Allergy Diagnosis in Mainstream Care Daily Rant Videos, • 9/25/22 Scott Discussing the Reawaken Tour and Miller Wellness, talking about full scripts and how people can support us by subscribing and getting vitamins through us Daily Rant Videos, • 9/21/22 Scott ranting about how our top scientists claim COVID is going to become one of the leading causes of death in the US for the foreseeable future